5 actions to keep an eye on: See what Elite indicates for the last days of September

Elite’s portfolio was practically stable last week, falling 0.05%, while the Ibovespa accumulated a rise of 2.23% (Image: Unsplash/MBM)

The recommended stock portfolio of Elite Investments brings two news for the last week of September. Renner stores (LREN3) and unipar (UNIP6) are the new bets of the broker, which excluded Marfrig (MRFG3) and PRIOR (PRIOR3) after lower performance than Ibovespa.

The Elite portfolio was practically stable last week, falling 0.05%, while the Ibovespa accumulated a rise of 2.23%.

In addition to Renner and Unipar, the portfolio includes shares of BrasilAgro (AGRO3), Ambipar (AMBP3) and hapvida (HAPV3).

Each role in the portfolio has a weight of 20%.

Company ticker Weight
BrasilAgro AGRO3 20%
Ambipar AMBP3 20%
hapvida HAPV3 20%
Renner stores LREN3 20%
unipar UNIP6 20%

The choice of stocks took into account, in addition to the traditional fundamental analysis of the brokerage, the market opportunities, its short-term trends and the technical movements of the stocks.

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Source: Moneytimes

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