Ukraine: Sardinian children for peace between drawings and songs

Ukraine, the director of the children's hospital in Lviv:

(ANSA) – QUARTU SANT’ELENA, MARCH 10 – Children from the schools of Quartu, Quartucciu and Maracalagonis, in the metropolitan city of Cagliari, in a procession and in the park to ask for peace in Ukraine.

The march, conceived by teachers and school managers, involved dozens of pupils aged 6 to 14. In Quartu the procession started from via Bonn and crossed via San Benedetto, via Fiume, via Polonia, via Cecoslovacchia and via Pitz’e Serra. Arrival point at the Europa Park right in front of the Tree of Peace.

In Quartucciu, on the other hand, departure from the single complexes and then meeting at the sports field in via delle Serre. In Maracalagonis the march starts from the primary school in via D’annunzio and the event closes at the Craboni Municipal Park. A party: the final meeting was an opportunity to illustrate elaborates and drawings. Then space for the songs prepared by the students on the theme of peace.

“A day of sunshine and joy to light up a dramatic moment – explains Fabio Cocco, Quartucciu school director – a moment of great participation for all the pupils: they were able to restore to all those present the sense of being together but also adherence to a simple but strong idea: to make peace it is necessary to prepare peace and this also through a thought, a song, a poetic text. My thanks go to all those who participated: teaching and non-teaching staff , pupils, parents, municipal administration. Each did his part in a participatory and exemplary way. It may be trivial but we all look forward to the silence of arms in Ukraine “.


Source: Ansa

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