Friday the 13th: what not to do and features of the day

A black cat and empty buckets, according to folk signs, are far from all the troubles of this day.

Friday the 13th: what to fear and what not to do / Photo: Pixabay, Collage: Today,

Today is Friday the 13th
. A day that many superstitious people fear and consider demonic due to the combination of the date and the day of the week.

Moreover, even in official medicine there is a term meaning fear of Friday the 13th – paraskavedekatriaphobia

It is believed that Friday the 13th brings nothing but trouble, teeming with danger and charged with bad luck. And in 2022 mystical power May 13
reinforced by the fact that he just got into the eclipse corridor – between April 30 and May 16.

What absolutely can not be done on Friday the 13th to avoid all the troubles? Read our article.

The main prohibitions on Friday the 13th according to popular beliefs

  • don’t start on this day no new cases
    – they will come to a standstill;
  • if you are very superstitious, it is better to sit out this ill-fated day at home and don’t go anywhere
  • but if you still decide, then, leaving home, don’t look back and don’t come back
    even if something is forgotten;
  • bad choice of day for long distance trips and travel
    , because there is a risk of not going back;
  • Bad sign play a wedding
    Friday 13 – there will be no happiness in the family;
    Friday the 13th

    Friday the 13th / Photo: Pinterest

  • not worth it buy or sell real estate
    on this day;
  • it is better don’t stand under the stairs
    on this day, otherwise judgment will befall;
  • Absolutely not on Friday the 13th cut hair and nails
  • when dyeing your hair on this day, avoid red shades
  • in clothes should be excluded Brown color
  • beware black cats
    crossing your path – an old sign;
  • you can not go anywhere if people with empty buckets
    bags, banks – a signal of failure;
  • no way on Friday the 13th curse
    and pronounce the word “pig”;
  • remake bed linen
    this day is a bad omen;
  • going to bed on Friday the 13th, can’t be long look in the mirror

Earlier, we published a forecast by a Vedic astrologer about the end date of the war in Ukraine. Also find out which zodiac signs will be accompanied by luck in May 2022.

Source: Segodnya

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