How to beat the heat without deodorant in summer: tips to sweat less

Universal protection against excessive sweating is a deodorant. However, if sprays or roll-on antiperspirants don’t work for you, or if you want to reduce the use of these pore-clogging chemicals, there are a few simple things you can try.

Experts say that even diet affects sweating. How to cope with the heat in summer without deodorant – read the material GLOBAL HAPPENINGS.

Food and drink restrictions

Hot, spicy, fatty, spicy foods make you feel thirsty and as a result, you will suffer from increased sweating. Avoid carbonated and other sugary drinks. It is also recommended to reduce the consumption of dishes that contain garlic and onions.

But foods containing B vitamins will help reduce sweating.

Therefore, the diet must be supplemented:

  • vegetables;
  • whole grain products;
  • yatsyami;
  • legumes.

Nutritionists say that vegetable soups without salt will effectively help reduce sweating.

It is necessary to observe the water balance, but not excessively – the remaining liquid will come out through the pores.

Caffeine is also banned. By increasing heart contractions, it causes excessive sweating. Alcoholic drinks should not be consumed, they stimulate blood flow to the face and increase sweating even before you feel the effect of intoxication.

Synthetic fabrics

Say no to synthetics, at least during the heat of summer. Clothing made of polyester or nylon is quite attractive and inexpensive, but these fabrics are not breathable at all. There is an increase in sweating – in contact with synthetics, the sweat glands are even more activated.

If you do decide to wear a synthetic item, choose a style that is not too tight against the skin, especially in the underarm areas.

The following fabrics are ideal for summer:

  • cotton;
  • linen;
  • silk.

They will not only allow the skin to breathe, but also help to cool it.

Regular shower

Water procedures should not be neglected, especially in summer. Try to shower on every occasion. Cool water will cleanse the skin, relieve tension, harmonize the nervous system, and will have a tonic and calming effect. You can take a contrast shower.

Previously, GLOBAL HAPPENINGS talked about five successful options that can replace deodorant.

Source: Obozrevatel

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