Elections: Renzi, with these sides I run alone in the center

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“I’m not with Salvini and Meloni, and I’m not with Fratoianni and Di Maio. If these are the sides, of course I’m running alone in the center. After that, if at the center, as I hope, there will also be others starting with Action … Carlo Calenda is thinking about it, we will respect him. I don’t see him in coalition with Fratoianni. To those who say that it is a vote given to a small party, I say that it is a vote to a party that will be decisive in the next legislature as well as in this one. “The leader of Iv Matteo Renzi said half an hour more on Rai3.

“Let’s discuss what you want, but Action voters cannot be asked to vote Di Maio, Bonelli (anti ILVA, waste-to-energy and regasification plants) and Fratoianni (who voted 55 times no confidence in Draghi) in single-member constituencies “. a government agenda. Fratoianni and Bonelli do not fully share it. Di Maio is the main reason why we have specified that we are committed to candidates for government posts only people with solid skills. “” The right cannot be fought – he continues – without building a government perspective “and” Government if content is not shared. The season of “all against” is over because it has proven to be a failure. “” The voters – he warns – ask for consistency and seriousness. These elections can be won if, as Draghi did in his speech to the Senate, he is able to say yes and no and indicate a precise course. No more openings to the 5S, just collect the 5S. Clarity of content and courage “, he concludes.

On the indiscretion relaunched today by some newspapers according to which the Democratic Party is courting the current Speaker of the House Fico, Calenda comments on social media with a simple “Wow”.

18-year-olds do not need a dowry, but a quality education and less taxes on the job. Action had proposed to focus last year’s cut on children up to 30 years old. Nobody, say nobody, voted for it. #ItaliasulSerio “, Calenda writes on Twitter again, referring to the proposal of the secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, made yesterday in the interview with Tg2 Post.

“In view of the presentation of tomorrow’s political project, I can tell you the name: is Civic Commitment and it represents a principle of civic responsibility evoked yesterday by Pope Francis. “Luigi Di Maio said this to In Mezz’ora in più on Rai3.

“I appeal to all leaders. I propose to sign a letter to the European Commission to support the Draghi government, beyond political differences, in the battle on the roof over the price of gas in European negotiations. unite. With the roof we would go from 216 to 80 euros per megawatt / hour “.

“There are more shadows than lights, the links between political forces and Italian leaders, and political, economic-financial and Russian worlds are to be ascertained. I make a proposal: when the new legislature begins, we will set up a commission of inquiry to ascertain the links between Italian leaders and political parties and Russian political, economic and financial worlds. I hope there can be unanimity on a law to establish it “. Luigi Di Maio, IPF leader and Foreign Minister, said this half an hour longer on Rai3.

Source: Ansa

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