Elections, strike and response Action-Pd. Calenda: ‘Let’s meet today and decide’

Bank of Italy:

New question and answer between Action and the Dems on the knot of the alliance with Calenda that invites us to tighten: ‘Let’s meet today’. In the morning the leader of Action in a video on twitter addressed directly to the secretary Dem: ‘If the answer is’ No ‘- he said – the responsibility for the break will be entirely yours’. In the afternoon, the response of the Democratic Party with an appeal to proceed with “alliances without vetoes”. And the rejoinder: “Their appeal is not an answer”. “Enrico Letta, you are too intelligent to consider this appeal an answer. Let’s meet today with Più Europa and close in one way or another. So we all get hurt. See you later,” says Calenda.

“If the answer is ‘No’ – in the meantime an answer arrives, we have been waiting for it for a long time – then, dear Enrico Letta, the responsibility for the break will be entirely yours and we will go to fight openly with a credible government proposal, in the proportional, to block the advance of Meloni “, said the leader of Action, Carlo Calenda, in a video on Twitter. “I want to know – explains Calenda – if” the conditions of Action and More Europe “seem absurd or not. To me they seem like the minimum wage in order not to put together a jumble full of different ideas, totally inconsistent and of poor quality”. Calenda asks not to nominate Fratoianni in the single-member constituencies, “who voted 55 times to distrust Draghi”, Bonelli “who does not want the waste-to-energy plant in Rome and regasification plants”, Di Maio “one of the most transforming politicians”. “At the same time, we told Letta that we will not stand for divisive personalities – adds Calenda – It is a matter of common sense”. The other thing is: “Can we have a common program basis? Can we have a clear answer on regasifiers and waste-to-energy plants? Otherwise there is no longer a Draghi agenda”.

The Democratic Party “appeals to all the political forces with which, after the resignation of the Draghi government, we worked to create a field of democratic and civic forces: we proceed, without reciprocal vetoes, to build an alliance that continues in the strong a pro-European commitment that the executive led by Draghi has been able to interpret and that is able to give Italy a government capable of consolidating growth, fighting inequalities and facing the economic, social and environmental emergency and the difficult international situation with credibility “. This is what was written in the appeal approved at the end of the Pd secretariat. “We are committed to making the united spirit prevail because we believe that, to be successful in this situation, it is absolutely necessary to enhance what unites and not what divides. Every division today would represent a gift to the right that Italy cannot afford” , is still read in the text approved at the end of the national secretariat of the Democratic Party extended to the institutional and party top management.

“The appeal of the secretariat of the Democratic Party does not represent a response to the political issues that we posed yesterday to Secretary Letta. The reference to an alliance in the wake of Draghi is not credible, while the agreement with forces that are a priority is maintained. always stay in the opposition of the Draghi government. We will see if there is an answer and what it will be. We are waiting “. This was confirmed by the secretaries of Action e + Europe, Carlo Calenda and Benedetto Della Vedova.

Yesterday Calenda had made three tweets with three No: no to Fratoianni, no to Bonelli, no to Di Maio. 24 hours, perhaps less, from the announcement of the decision that should close the tug-of-war over the alliances of the center-left, the leader of Action had set precise conditions for Enrico Letta’s Dems. Conditions so stringent that the parts of the Nazarene consider them as a very difficult obstacle to overcome. “But not impossible”, optimists observe the bridging parties of the two parties (especially the + Europe side).

Enrico Letta has so far professed calm and openness to dialogue, but at the same time shows the clock to the allies: “We are putting all our effort into convincing all those who want and can be part of our alliance to be there. We do not veto, we do not veto. we have a less than constructive attitude “, but” time passes – he warns – now there is little time ahead “. The main concern of the dem secretary, however, is on the possible political developments of a decision by Calenda: “I feel I can make a heartfelt appeal – he declared – to all those who in these hours have doubts about the fact of creating a large, important and convinced alliance that it is able to beat the right. Those who think that making a third pole that gets in the way is convenient or could be more useful. A third pole right now – he strongly emphasized – is the best way to help the right that do not need further help “.

Calenda, at the moment, remains on its positions and via social networks continues to instruct the Democratic Party on its rules of engagement: “We discuss what you want, but Action voters cannot ask to vote Di Maio, Bonelli (anti ILVA, waste-to-energy plants and regasifiers) and Fratoianni (who voted 55 times no confidence in Draghi) in single-member constituencies “. An aut to which Green Europe and the Italian Left replied: “Carlo Calenda continues to talk about things he does not know: he should take a tour of Piombino to understand how dangerous a regasification terminal is in the port of the city”, wrote Angelo Bonelli, Eleonora Evi and Nicola Fratoianni comparing “Calenda’s climate policies” to those of Donald Trump on the easy and unchecked permits for the regasification plant. He therefore increasingly uphill road.

Source: Ansa

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