Letta-Calenda Pact, 70% Pd candidates and 30% Action / + Europe

Baghdad, Sadr supporters occupy the Iraqi parliament for the fourth day (ANSA)

No big candidates in single-member constituencies, so on the card it will not be possible to put the cross on the name of the Pd secretary, Enrico Letta, or the leader of Action, Carlo Calenda. 70% of the candidates in the single-member constituencies will be on the list of the Democratic Party – Democrats and Progressives – and 30% of Action and More Europe: the same distribution for the TV spaces. An explicit recognition of the experience of the Draghi government. And then a commitment to the ecological transition, which does not exclude the construction of regasifiers. These are some of the points of the agreement signed between the Democratic Party, Action and Più Europa, which will run in coalition in the September elections.
FRONT-RUNNER – The front-runners will be Enrico Letta for the Democrats and Progressives list and Carlo Calenda for Action / + Europe.
THE BIG – As for the big names, “in the single-member constituencies – it is written in the agreement – the leaders of the political forces that will make up the alliance, the former parliamentarians of the M5S (who left in the last legislature), the former parliamentarians of Forza Italia (released in the last parliamentary term) “.
So there will not even be Luigi Di Maio, Mara Carfagna and Mariastella Gelmini. Those “excluded” from single-member constituencies may in any case be candidates in the proportional lists.
IUS SCHOLAE AND SUPERBONUS – The program of the Democratic Party, Action and More Europe includes a commitment to correct citizenship income and the 110% superbonus and to give “absolute priority to the approval of laws on civil rights and Ius scholae”. Other points in common: minimum wage and “a substantial reduction in the tax wedge to protect workers in particular”.
POWER – On energy, the pact calls for “an intensification of investments in renewable energy, the strengthening of the diversification of supplies to reduce dependence on Russian gas, the construction of regasification plants within the framework of a virtuous and sustainable national ecological transition strategy” .
DRAGONS – The premises of the agreement are of internal politics: “The parties share and recognize themselves in the method and action of the government led by Mario Draghi. The parties that caused its fall have assumed a serious responsibility towards the country and the ‘Europe”.
EUROPE – Regarding the international position: “The next elections – it is explained – are a choice of field between an Italy among the great European countries and an Italy allied with Orban and Putin. They are a watershed that will determine the future history of our country and of Europe “.

Source: Ansa

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