Galimberti, hoping without acting does not improve the future

Not only automotive at Electric Days 2023 underway in Rome these days. On the occasion of the third edition of the first Italian dissemination event dedicated to the energy transition of mobility, at the Parco del Lago dell’Eur, experts in various subjects were also invited, each called to give their contribution to the vision of a future made of changes, in mobility but not only. Among those invited to the discussion, also Umberto Galimberti.
“We have the habit of looking at things closely – commented the philosopher and essayist – while neglecting a larger vision. The future cannot be based on the concept of hope, a word that should be deleted from dictionaries as Pasolini already said, because it is a word of passivity”. “Christian culture – Galimberti said – has created the idea of ​​having unconditional trust in the future, identifying evil in the past, redemption in the present and salvation in the future. Without action, however, the future will not necessarily be best. Ask the young people, who see the future, if not as a threat, at least as an uncertainty”. .

Source: Ansa

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